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Memoriae Causa


Year: 2007

Duration: 58'

Type: documentary art - architecture

Director: Riccardo De Cal


The latest masterpiece by the great Venetian architect Carlo Scarpa is the Brion tomb in San Vito d'Altivole: a large green space in which arise suggestive reinforced concrete structures.

The film is a layered flow of images, drawings, photographs, memories, testimonies, voices, sounds: a "theater of memory" constructed of a plurality of languages. The testimonies are those of the contributors, the patrons, the Scarpa friends. With these people, the architect had to deal in and out of the yard, discussing the solutions to be adopted, through a process of mutual enrichment.

Various interpretations are interwoven along the way and take over other issues, such as the unfolding of time, with the symbolic succession of day and night, just broken by a late summer shower that allows us to capture constructive refinement, an obsessive attention to detail, that make this work a refined object, almost a sculpture of colossal dimensions.


Awards received

  • First award “Le mura d’oro” at the Festival Internazionale del Cinema d’Arte di Bergamo 2007

  • Special award “Generali” at the Festival Internazionale del Cinema d’Arte di Bergamo 2007

  • Best Picture award on Architecture and Design at the 26th International Asolo Art Film Festival 2007

  • Architecture and Design award at the Premio Libero Bizzarri 2007

  • Best Cinematography award at the Premio Libero Bizzarri 2007

  • Mention at the Bigscreen Film Festival of Kunming 2007

  • In competition at the 48th Festival dei Popoli in Florence 2007

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